by Lois Barth, Human Dev. Expert, Executive Leadership Coach, and Author of Courage to SPARKLE

Spoiler Alert: This is NOT a political post.

This is about how we can use every experience, moment, and occurrence in our life as a classroom for learning, growth, and often a bunch of chuckles in between.

It’s July 21st, and Biden just stepped down. My sweetheart, Marty, calls me with the news. I’m frozen. I’m at a Garden Supply Store and somehow my new pet project, building a rock garden around my septic tank, has no meaning or relevance.

“No!” I scream inside my car. We’re handing Trump the presidency on a silver platter, what are they thinking?” Marty responds, “Not necessarily. When you get home, check the news.” I can’t talk. I need an extra 10 minutes before driving home. My friends are waiting for me and scared of how I’ll take the news. I’m bereft.

Fifteen minutes after the news hit, I experienced a Tsunami of galvanization in the Democratic Party. One I’ve never witnessed at this level. All the splintering and inner bickering seemed to die down, replacing it with a united on-fire front. This is the party I’ve craved to be part of, and proud of!

I woke up the next morning with more good news.

Lesson #1- I am reminded of what I know to be true; a lot of the time I’m spiritually nearsighted. The lens I often look through can only see so far. I think that just because I “think” I know what will happen, it doesn’t mean it will. That’s a hard wall to break through given all the research and studying I do, plus a fair amount of intuition when I have such strong opinions, thoughts, and beliefs. I am DELIGHTED to be wrong, absolutely delighted!

With this awakening, I start to look at other areas of my life that I’m “convinced” have a certain path they “must” go to meet my goals. I now know that I’m spiritually nearsighted. I can only see so far.

What used to scare me about that, now is a huge relief. I don’t know, and I don’t have to know. I need to focus on the direction most aligned with my values, have smart feet, take action, proceed with eyes wide open, and expect to be surprised! I start to look at how this new insight can show up in other areas of my life.

Lesson #2 – Enthusiasm is contagious, it’s the one thing most people want to catch!. That’s a LOIS-ism! For decades I’ve been arguing in my head with the media, on their blatant bias towards negativity and divisiveness, and the myth that good news doesn’t sell. So not true!

People are hungry for optimism, for hope, for joy, and you can only motivate people from fear-mongering and divisiveness for so long. Joy, optimism, and vision are far more sustainable as a model.

As an executive leadership coach focusing on heart-centered leaders, helping them get out of their own way, as well as part of an esteemed group of female motivational speakers, I see how profound these lessons are. When working with clients or speaking to groups, it’s worthwhile to identify limiting beliefs and address obstacles that are in the way of their goals. But when we shift to what’s possible for them in their vision, and how they will feel when they achieve it, they SPARKLE! Their body and voice become animated, and it opens the floodgates for ideas and creativity.

Good News and motivation from a place of grounded optimism, joy, and vision are far more compelling than gloom and doom fear-mongering.

I loved Senator Warnock’s catchphrase, talking about promise versus peril, talking about a compelling soundbite of a vision.

No matter what party you are aligned with, if you look at the two camps we’re in, the difference is palpable; one uses the hope of unity and forward-seeking vision as a guiding force for their movement, and the other is fear and separation. Which one feels more compelling to you?

And where can you use these two lessons in your life?

Enthusiasm is contagious, everyone wants to catch it!

What will you do today to catch your dose of enthusiasm in all areas of your life?

I’d love to know.

Thanks for tuning in and not tuning out.

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