Presenting my Keynote, Radical Resiliency During Really Challenging Times at a recent conference

by Lois Barth, Human Development Expert, Speaker, Coach, and Author of Courage to SPARKLE

I had the honor of being the Summit Keynote Speaker last week in a room full of women leaders (and a few good men!) in a male-dominated industry. All these women were scrappy,

smart, hard-working, and really committed to elevating themselves and each other. There was

no shortage of expertise, passion, or knowledge.

I brought my Radical Resiliency During Really Challenging Times to the group.

We explored my four C methodology (Curiosity, Compassion, Connection, and Courage) and how each one builds Radical Resiliency, strong teams, deep engagement, and not just “bouncing back” but “bounding forward.”

I saw the sea of nodding heads, of people sharing deeply and honestly. It’s what I both love to

do and do well! But when I look back and hear the feedback from people about how energized

and empowered they felt, what I hear over and over is “permission.” Permission to show up

with their full selves, unapologetically for their smarts, their passions, their wants, their truth.

That makes me SPARKLE the most!

The picture above says it all, a group of women and men stepping into their “YES!” Yes to what

they want, Yes to their power, Yes to deserving! One of the best gifts we can give ourselves and

each other is permission. Permission to be, to show up with our most passionate, and sometimes vulnerable selves, to be true to what we feel, believe, and know is right for us. Not a pass for inappropriate and entitled behavior, but a true commitment to worthiness, to deserving, to desire.

More and more both as an individual and as a group, the more we can grant permission to ourselves and others the more we elevate those around us.

As a Human Development Expert, Motivational Speaker in NYC (and around the country), Resiliency Speaker, and Life and Business Coach, I’m asked to really help groups and individuals to step into their most powerful and proactive selves. I work with heart-centered go-getters who crave greater meaning, impact, and fulfillment in their lives. I believe it starts with permission!

What’s one step you can take today to give yourself permission to either do something, show up, or take that act of Courage, to step into the next chapter of your life?

What about your team? Would a dose of courage and permission make all the difference?

I’d love to know.

If you’re deeply committed to moving forward in your life, or to supporting your team to really own their greatness, and their power so they can be more engaged, more productive and a stronger team players, I’d love to speak to you. Feel free to set up a discovery call.

Hey, thanks for tuning in and not tuning out!

Thanks, Lois!

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