Conversations with Strangers- Luscious Life Lessons

by Lois Barth, Human Development Expert, Executive Leadership Coach, and Author

So I’m in a Boston suburb doing one of my favorite things; thrifting. I “stumble” meaning ardently research local thrift shops, looking for the best reviews and ideal proximity to a family member’s locale. The reviews are spot on. I got three great lamps, totally to my taste which I call Shabby Chic meets Victorian Funky meets Wild Whimsy all in one-stop shopping

But the greatest lightbulb moment besides the lamps being tested for functionality and aesthetics is when the scrappy late 70-something retired nurse, now volunteer, Karen and I spoke.

“How did you get into nursing?” I asked while she was finalizing my bill.
She told this story about being 8 years old and her teacher Mrs. Levy put two classes together and then left the room to see what would happen. Mayhem, of course! Then, by total coincidence (unplanned), a differently abled student entered (back then they would’ve been referred to as handicapped), and even more mayhem!

Mrs. Levy entered the room. The bell rang but she told the class they must stay put. She looked at them and said, “Each one of you, sooner or later, will be handicapped in your life, and you’ll deal with it, one way or another. But the worst handicap of all is insensitivity, which I won’t tolerate in this classroom!”
At that moment, Karen said she knew she’d be a nurse.

Children, team members, staff, and partners are psychic sponges. You never know when saying or doing one thing can change a person’s entire life.

Here’s my ABC’s on how to Impact Others In a Positive Way

A-lways be on the lookout for a way to enhance another person’s life.

B-e curious and ask questions in order to learn more about a person’s life and experiences.

C-reate a connection by sharing an uplifting moment, fun fact, or offering the greatest gift; rapt attention.

One of my hobbies is Conversations with Strangers because I experience jewels like this.

By the way, in case there wasn’t enough light emitted at that moment, there were extra bonuses from my Conversations with Strangers encounter.

As a speaker and coach who work with heart-centered leaders who need to get out of their own way, I find by simply applying these ABC’s to their team, magic happens!

What one thing will you say or do today that may change someone’s life, or perspective; even for that moment? I’d love to know.

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