by Lois Barth, Human Development Expert, Speaker, Coach, and Author

You ever notice no matter how smart, accomplished, or successful you are, it’s still so easy for to people please and not speak up for what you want, need, feel, or think. At least not in a way that’s going to support you or what you’re up to. It’s so human to flip-flop between being

apologetic or getting so frustrated you go the other way and come across as aggressive. But there’s a middle ground, I call it “Being Beautifully Honest!” But in order to do that we have to Overcome the Diva Doormat Syndrome, and yes honesty and kindness are great dance partners, they neither step on each other’s feet nor have two left feet! But it takes something to do that.

It takes courage, compassion, developing a whole new skill set, and mostly “unlearning” what we’ve been taught.

As a resiliency, mindfulness, and motivational speaker in NYC and a life and business coach, I’m often brought in to help groups and individuals have greater engagement, better teamwork, healthy cultures, and be more productive. What I find is that when you create a culture of kindness and honesty where team members dare to speak their truth, to have those difficult conversations, teams transform and people feel seen, heard, and impactful.

The great news is when you become “Beautifully Honest,” you claim a very deep, authentic, powerful part of yourself, you have more energy, you feel more true to who you are, and your relationships deepen because people feel like they know, like, and trust you, you’re being real.

You’re also naturally more creative, productive, and able to advocate for yourself and contribute to others, cause you’re not resentful, you’re real.

Intrigued yet? I hope so. Thinking “I’ve been people pleasing so long I don’t know where to begin” if this is you, I have some great resources for you.

Check out my recent podcast with Darcie Purcell of Too Cool for Midlife Podcast where we’ll discuss how to have those courageous conversations. And come join me for the Speak Up Women Conference on April 1st, where I’m a featured speaker and bringing me “Overcoming The Diva/Doorman Syndrome.”

You need to be able to show up with your most alive self, and being beautifully honest is an expressway to get there.

Attn: Recovering People Pleasers need some tools and tips on how to start speaking and living your truth and setting boundaries.

Book a complimentary 30-minute “Stop People Pleasing Start Sparkling” Session with me.

Thanks for tuning in and not tuning out!

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