by Lois Barth, Human Development Expert, Motivational, Resiliency, and Mindfulness Speaker in NYC, Coach, and Author

So being more of a more is more kind of gal the thought of actually having to pinpoint one puny word to evoke an entire feeling of goal or aspiration for the year felt like too much pressure for me.

But given that my goal, in general, is “scintillating simplicity,” I figured this year I would give it a shot.

I took a really interesting goal-setting workshop, on January 1st. Yes, most people hang out with family, binge on Netflix, or nurse a hangover, I take a 5 ½ hour goal setting workshop on New Year’s Day. The joy of being a Virgo Personal Growth Junkie!

One exercise was to look over each month in 2022 and write down not only what you did but also any images or themes or feelings that got evoked.

What I found was like most of us that I’m really hard on myself and actually accomplished way more than I really realized or given myself credit for. As a motivational, resiliency, and mindfulness speaker in NYC, I had created way more new programs than I realized. I had gotten advanced certifications, as well as had really nice friend and family time, traveled for work and leisure, and made some notable upgrades on my home. On paper, it was a very productive year, one I’m happy about. But when I sat with the theme and feeling, the word that came up for me was “striving.” Not good, not bad, but was it a feeling a way of showing up, that I wanted to continue into this year? The answer was a resounding “NO.”

Striving brought mental exertion, effort, and pressure.

I looked at what my goals were for this year, and I realized the list was even longer than last year, but what had changed was the “engine” for moving me forward needed to change.

I wasn’t interested in the sexier hi-energy words of “Unstoppable,” “Passion,” or “Enthusiasm” while inspiring in the past, my body flooded with low-grade exhaustion just thinking about it.

So, I did some word shopping, and what emerged was alignment. I felt a calmness and focus come over me. Alignment with my most authentic and alive self, with spirit, with what I want to bring to my life and the world.

I was really inspired by alignment; it had a quiet power to it that centered versus exhausted me. So, I asked myself, What 2-3 questions will I ask myself to assure that my actions and how I show up are in alignment with my highest self?

The next day, I got an offer for a particular project. The person couldn’t have been more complimentary about my skill set and expertise. I was flattered and the project initially sounded really interesting. But when I read further there were two things that jumped out that immediately revealed that were not in alignment with what I wanted to do. I stopped and asked myself “Is this in alignment with what I want to create in 2023?” The answer was a resounding “NO.” While most decisions aren’t always that easy peasy I realized that when we really know what our “word, theme, focus” is, it makes it so much easier to clarify where we do and don’t need to be putting our energy into.

I wrote them a brief but gracious “Thanks but no thanks” and went on with my day.

Seven Sassy Steps towards discovering your word or phrase for 2022!

  1. Review last year, and really take your time looking through your calendar, and parts of your journal wherever you record your schedule or milestones.
  2. Write down month-by-month accomplishments, challenges, victories, themes, feelings, images, and whatever speaks to you.
  3. Take a moment to close your eyes and think of a word or phrase which encompassed the essence of 2022.
  4. Congratulate yourself for getting through it, these days are filled with challenges for all of us!
  5. Trust whatever word or phrase came up.
  6. Ask yourself if that’s a theme or energy you’d like to create in 2023. If so, great, keep it!

If not look at your year (I personally work in 3-month sections which feels less daunting and more accessible) and ask yourself given what you want to create and how you want to show up, I call it the “doing and being” aspiration, what’s a word or phrase you’re wanting to step into for 2023.

7. Come up with a phrase or question or prompt you can ask yourself regularly to clarify if you’re on or off-track from that theme.

Click this link if you’d like to hear this blog and go through the visualization process for yourself.

Post the word somewhere or make a collage with the essence of that word and revisit it regularly. It’s not about perfection, it’s about embodying it.

Feel free to comment below or send me an email and share your word or phrase for 2023 and if you’re open to it, how that evolved. I’d love to know.

And if you’re looking for ways to really step into that word or phrase and could use some support, and coaching could help you get there, feel free to book a Discovery Call and we’ll make that happen.

Thanks for tuning in and not tuning out. What the world needs are people who are tuned in!

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