Well as they say, “The beet goes on.” Last week I received a new Cuisinart for Valentine’s Day. And yes, I did pick it out myself. (Do you recall that wonderful doghouse commercial where a husband gifts his wife  with a vacuum cleaner for Valentine’s Day? Brilliant!)  Well, I made lots of beets in a million different iterations from beet slaw to beet salad, wow, what a colorful and versatile vegetable it is. So why am I telling you this, you may ask? I’m sharing this with you because I had the chance to identify a small but beautiful moment in my life. I found that I really enjoy cooking and preparing food when it occupies a workable (metaphoric as well as literal) space in my life.
Given that my kitchen counter is the size of a postage stamp, and I usually have little patience for maintenance and clean up of most appliances, Cuisinart was this little jewel of a gift; so simple to use, and even simpler to clean.
So often it’s easy to be hard on ourselves and make blanket statements about our likes and dislikes, skills and liabilities, when in fact, making a modest adjustment or bringing in a handy little tool or habit, can make all the difference in the world. Identifying those small adjustments makes space for the mundane to become magical.
So as I move forward on my Completion Initiative, “Accessing My Inner Vixen,” I’m finding that by doing a few simple things like steaming some greens a night before, and whipping up a quick Beet Salad with my Cuisinart, I can give myself some simple staples for my next few meals. This leaves me feeling so much healthier, more vibrant and aligned with my true energy. Charlie is crazy about it too! Self-care doesn’t have to be this big chore, and as I eat more greens and raw veggies, I am less drawn towards processed foods that weigh me down. It happens organically.
And great news, I get to exercise next week. Hip Hop and Bellydancing will have to wait, but recumbent bike, here I come!
By the way, in case you’re interested, here’s the recipe I created. It was a great hit at this party I attended where everyone was asked to bring something which describes a little bit of who they are! I picked this as my dish because it’s colorful, substantive, though not heavy, with a little zip which leaves you feeling nourished yet light.
Barth’s Beet Salad
(all in Cuisinart shred mode)
4 beets
½ pound carrots
1 whole daikon (Japanese radish)
3 Granny Smith apples
½ inch piece of raw ginger
ÂĽ head of cabbage
3 large tbsp. of orange juice concentrate
2 big handfuls of raisins
Mix all together, a total no-brainer
How can you “Identify Small Moments,” that will lead you closer to your Completion Initiative?
Let me know, I’m really interested.
All the best,
PS: Check out the events page today! I’m speaking tonight and it would be great to see you there.

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  1. Hi Lois 🙂

    Just wanted to drop by and say I’ve been really enjoying your posts and taking on some of the Kaizen principles you’ve been writing about. Thank you! Hope all is well.

    xx Falcon

    1. Hi Falcon,
      So glad it’s been helpful for you. Feel free to forward it to peeps in your life, you think it would benefit.
      Hope you’re doing great and thanks for reaching out.

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